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La Famille Forster
organic seeds
Horticulture the natural way
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*2006* This variety available mail order *2006*
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Plant Details
  Tomato Rose de Berne Lycopersicon esculentum
Organic Cultivation
The most succulant tomato available. The pink fruits of this plant are almost entirely flesh and have the most superb taste.
Grow on the plugs in pots before planting out after all risk of frost has passed. Prick out the growing tip after the 4th truss to promote ripening.Will need supporting by tying at 30cm spacing. Pinch out side shoots when they are about 2.5cm long. Remove a few leaves below each fruit truss as they become yellow - but not too many. Water every day, intermittent watering can cause cracking or blacking of the flower end of the fruit.
Pick the fruits as they ripen.